27 / 01 / 2010
Think before you drink.
This season the British Consulate is sponsoring a campaign to try to make people aware of the heightened effects of alcohol whilst at altitude. It follows the recent tragic deaths in the alps of British holiday makers.
We all love to have a good time on holiday and for some that includes sampling the local tipple, or enjoying a nice bottle of red over lunch but how many of us appreciate that at altitude alcohol has an increased effect on our bodies? What might seem like normal intake levels for you suddenly become that little bit more when in the mountains coupled with the fact that you might have to face a challenging red (slope not wine) after lunch and you’re now putting not only yourself but all other skiers and boarders at risk. We wouldn’t get into a car or ride a motorbike after a few drinks so what makes us think we can hurl ourselves down a mountain?
This certainly isn’t a campaign to ban alcohol on the slopes, it’s simply trying to get the message across that whilst the mountains are a beautiful place to be, they also have to be respected and we have to moderate certain things in order to remain in control.
Its not only whilst out skiing or boarding that we have to be aware. The après scene in the villages after dark can through up its own dangers. If your drinking spirits then be aware that its probably going to be 3 times as strong than in the UK thanks to the bar mans generous measures and don’t forget that rule about altitude so for every Gin and Tonic you have in your hotel bar its probably equivalent to 4 in your local back home. The cold effects us quicker after a drink so if you’re planning a night out remember to wrap up. Its still amazes me to see people walking around without jackets on at 1 in the morning!
Drunken tales can make great holiday stories and we all go away on holiday to have a good time but fun shouldn’t come at a price! The campaign is simple trying to get you to appreciate your limits, make sure that you are taking care of yourself and ensure your holiday is not a wipe out. One final message to come from it is to be vigilant and keep an eye out for your friends!
Please feel free to leave comments as to your thoughts about the campaign. Is it right that the consulate is taking this step? Is this just another example of the nanny state? Should there be more awareness of potential dangers in the mountains? Your comments would be welcomed.
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