30 / 12 / 2011
Gone with the wind
Last night I commented whilst walking through the village that there was a slight drainy smell. Those that have read the last blog will know just what that means. Sure enough I woke up this morning and it was snowing!
Lets not get too excited, it’s not throwing it down but it is snowing. It’s forecast to continue through tonight and possibly in to tomorrow. It should have stopped by New Years Day but then more is on its way for Monday.
Again lets not get ahead ourselves. It’s not going to be the first substantial snow fall of the season that we’re all looking out for but as long as we keep getting little tops like this then at least that’s a start.
Along with the au natural stuff, the cannons were blasting it out last night in near perfect snow cannon conditions ie no wind. The wind has been a big factor so far this season with many of the earlier days seeing lift closures due to uncharacteristically high winds. Unfortunately today was not going to be any different.
All lifts above Sportinia were shut. The only runs open were the 2 that lead from Sportinia. One to the mid station of the Jouvenceaux lift and red 11 which takes you from Sportinia to the top of Clotes.
So not the best day on the mountain. Not too many photo opportunities either so I’ve added a film that I took last week. It’s the run from the top of Fraiteve back to the bottom of the bowl. Watch the video.
I hope you all have a great New Years Eve and a prosperous new year.
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