and are trading names of Vertical Horizons Limited, registered in England & Wales with company number 6907657. Our registered address is 6 East Parade, Baildon, Bradford, BD17 6LY.

Except where otherwise specified, we act only as an agent in respect of all bookings we take and/or make on your behalf.

For all arrangements, your contract will be with the supplier of the arrangements in question (the Supplier(s)). When making your booking we will arrange for you to enter into a contract with the applicable Supplier(s) of the arrangements. Your booking with us is subject to these Agency Terms and Conditions and the specific booking conditions of the relevant supplier(s) you contract with and you are advised to read both carefully prior to booking. The suppliers terms and conditions may limit and/or exclude the supplier’s liability to you. Copies of applicable conditions are available on request from the supplier.

We accept no liability in relation to any contract you enter into or for any services or arrangements you purchase (Arrangements) or for the acts or omissions of any supplier(s) or other person(s) or party(ies) connected with any arrangements.

You may decide to make one or more bookings for Arrangements, products or services with us at the same time. The price charged in total for more than one booking will always equal the prices charged separately for each individual booking. All Arrangements are available to be purchased separately at the same price as they are when more than one booking is made. This means that any multiple bookings do not constitute a package as defined in the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992.

By booking with us you agree that:-

  • you have read the terms and conditions set out in this document and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions;
  • you consent to our use of your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy;
  • you consent to the use of tracking technology as disclosed to you in our Privacy Policy; and
  • you are over 18 years of age and where placing an order for services with age restrictions you declare that you and all members of your party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services.

1. Booking & Payment

When you make a booking you guarantee that you have the authority to accept and do accept on behalf of your party these booking conditions.

Your booking is confirmed and a contract between you and the supplier will exist when we send your confirmation voucher on their behalf.

Please check your confirmation carefully and report any incorrect or incomplete information to us immediately. Please ensure that names are correct. As we act only as booking agent, we have no responsibility for any errors in any documentation except where an error is made by us.

Payment may be made with a credit or debit card via our online shop.

Except where otherwise advised or stated in the booking conditions of the supplier concerned, all monies you pay to us for arrangements will be held on behalf of the supplier(s) concerned.

2. Prices

We reserve the right to amend advertised prices at any time. We also reserve the right to correct errors in both advertised and confirmed prices. Special note: changes and errors sometimes occur. You must check the price of your chosen arrangements at the time of booking.

3. Insurance

You are strongly recommended to take out personal travel insurance for all members of your party. Some suppliers require that you do so. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance you purchase is adequate and appropriate for your particular needs. Please read your policy details on receipt and take them with you on holiday.

4. Special Requests

If you have any special requests (for example ski instructor, or model of ski), please let us know at the time of booking. We will pass on all such requests to the supplier, but we can’t guarantee that they will be met and we will have no liability to you if they are not.

5. Changes & Cancellations By You

Any cancellation or amendment request must be sent to us in writing, by email, and will take effect on the day we receive it. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt, therefore you are advised to also confirm all changes by telephone. Please ensure that you have received written confirmation of any changes to your booking prior to travel. Whilst we will try to assist, we cannot guarantee that such requests will be met. Amendments and cancellations can only be accepted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the supplier of your arrangements.

The supplier may charge the cancellation or amendment charges shown in their booking conditions (which may be as much as 100% of the cost of the Arrangements and will normally increase closer to the date of departure). In addition you must pay us an administration fee for any changes or cancellations for ski pack bookings equal to 10% of the booking total. You will be notified of the exact charges at the time of amendment or cancellation.

6. Changes & Cancellations By The Supplier

We will inform you as soon as reasonably possible if the supplier needs to make a significant change to your confirmed arrangements or to cancel them. We will also liaise between you and the supplier in relation to any alternative arrangements offered by the supplier but we will have no further liability to you.

7. Our Responsibility For Your Booking

Your contract is with the supplier and its booking conditions apply. As agent, we accept no responsibility for the actual provision of the arrangements. Our responsibilities are limited to making the booking in accordance with your instructions. We accept no responsibility for any information about the arrangements that we pass on to you in good faith. However, in the event that we are found liable to you on any basis whatsoever, our maximum liability to you is limited to twice the cost of your booking (or the appropriate proportion of this if not everyone on the booking is affected). We do not exclude or limit any liability for death or personal injury that arises as a result of our negligence or that of any of our employees whilst acting in the course of their employment.

8. Complaints

Because the contract for your arrangements is between you and the supplier, any queries or concerns should be addressed to them. If you have a problem whilst on holiday, this must be reported to the supplier immediately. If you fail to follow this procedure there will be less opportunity for the supplier to investigate and rectify your complaint. The amount of compensation you may be entitled to may therefore be reduced as a result.

If you wish to complain when you return home, write to the supplier. You will see their name and contact details in any confirmation documents we send you. Any assistance given by us will be given on a goodwill basis in our capacity as agent.

9. Documentation & Information

All descriptions and content in our brochure, website or otherwise issued by us is done so on behalf of the supplier(s) in question and are intended to present a general idea of the services provided by the supplier(s) in question. Not all details of the relevant services can be included in our brochure or on our website. All services shown are subject to availability. If you require any further details, in respect of any accommodation or any other services please contact us providing details of the additional information needed.

Photographs of equipment and other images are for illustration only. The equipment or services supplied to you in resort will be of the standard selected by you at the time of booking.

All ratings are as provided by the relevant Supplier. These are intended to give a guide to the services and facilities you should expect. Standards and ratings may vary between countries, as well as between Suppliers. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any ratings given. We may also publish reviews from other guests. These are for your information only and do not represent our own views in relation to the products and services. No liability can be accepted in relation to any bookings made in reliance upon reviews by other guests.

10. Accuracy of Prices & Website Details

The information and prices shown in this brochure, website or otherwise issued by us may have changed by the time you come to book your arrangements. Although we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the brochure information and prices at the time of printing, regrettably errors do occasionally occur. You must therefore ensure you check the price and all other details of your chosen arrangements with us at the time of booking.

11. Force Majeure

Force majeure means that we will not pay you compensation if we have to cancel or change your booking in any way because of unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control. These include for example, war, threat of war, terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, the act of any government or other national or local authority, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather, sea and ice conditions.

12. Law & Jurisdiction

These Booking Conditions and any agreement to which they apply are governed in all respects by English law. Any dispute, claim or other matter which arises between us out of or in connection with your contract or booking will be dealt with by the Courts of England and Wales only.

13. Data protection & privacy

By booking with us you consent to our use of your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be found on our website.